
これはお水以外の何も加えずに技術だけで旨味を引き出しながらも雑味を抑える日本料理の出汁をとる技法に共通するところがあります。 私がコーヒーに興味を持ちだしたころ、ハンドドリップには様々な淹れ方があるがゆえにどの技法が一番いいのか悩みました。悩んだ結果、技法によって様々に印象が変わってしまうのであれば気分や食事に合わせて淹れ方を変えることが最高のコーヒーの楽しみ方だと思うようになりました。


この独自のメソッドが日本だけでなく世界中に伝わり、沢山の方がこのメソッドを用いたドリップでコーヒーを楽しんで頂けたら幸いです。 協会もメソッドもこれからより価値のあるものにしていきたいと思っております。今後とも皆様のご理解とご協力よろしくお願い致します。



植村 隆之介



We are happy about establishing “The Japan Hand Drip Association” and we would also like to thank all of you for your cooperation. The coffee dripped by a hand brings you some different impressions of tastes, even if the same coffee beans are used. The method of coffee dripped by a hand allows us to use only hot water to fix excellent coffee. It shares a common skill with Japanese cooking where they make deep taste(umami) of the broth. When I first had an interest in making coffee, I could not choose the best method. There were quite a few ways to make coffee in the so-called pour-over method. Since the taste of coffee made with the method of coffee by a hand could make various tastes by the skill, I concluded that I should make different tasting coffee depending on the dishes served. I thought this would be the perfect cup of coffee. With this thought in mind, we, the members of “The Japan Hand Drip Association” have invented our own method of coffee making which gives us various tastes, and thanks to the support of many people, it has become highly-reproducible. We sincerely hope people not only in Japan but also all over the world will get to know about this method and enjoy coffee made with this method. We are sure this coffee making method as well as our Association will be more appreciated. We are really grateful for your understanding and cooperation.

Representative Director
Takanosuke Uemura